1. Testing of Automated Ballot Audit pilot has been completed. Some minor changes to the process needs to be completed before the process can be submitted for approval.
2. There is still 3-4 weeks of testing before the new optical scanner software upgrades, called the Bengali Upgrade, is completed. The new go live date is April. Some of the upgrades include new ballot languages and the fix to the over-vote problems.
3. Campaign Finance Filing Fines Increase - Each missed month $1,000 and after 3 months, a fine of $10,000.
4. Absentee Filing System - The system is over 10 years old. With all the state and federal law changes, it is time to upgrade. The question is who will pay for the upgrade and testing. The board wants to set 12/31/2014 as the date when the upgrade, testing, and certification should be completed statewide.
5. As part of the Legislature package, Article 9 - Electronic Poll Book system - needs more county board research. The board wants this research and input from the county done as soon as possible.
6. NYC Primary Run-Off process - The indication is the state legislature will not change the state's primary date this year. The New York City Board has indicated they will not be able to perform a run-off with in the required 2 weeks under the current federal regulations or incur the cost. A run-off is required if no candidate for mayor, comptroller, or public advocate gets 40% + in the primary. Some of the suggestions are: use Instant Runoff Voting (IRV); change the primary rules to eliminate the need for a run-off; or count the votes by hand. The board wants suggestions by the city and state board members for the next state meeting but is leaning to a hand count. Any change will require preclearance.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!
Michael H. Drucker
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