If Occupy Wall Street has its way, your next bill from debt collectors might have a zero balance. Occupy is trying to quietly buy up "distressed debts" from lenders at rock-bottom prices, and then forgive them.
Yes it’s legal (they’re coordinating with the IRS) and works: "As a trial run, they spent $466 and successfully bought and abolished $14,000 of medical debt," Occupy said in a statement.
A "Rolling Jubilee" telethon will be held next week to raise $50,000, which could erase $1 million in personal debt. "This is a simple, powerful way to help folks in need, to free them from heavy debt loads so they can focus on being productive, happy and healthy," organizer David Rees said.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!
Michael H. Drucker
1 comment:
I have been fighting this system of fraud for well over 4 years now. I am currently Bankrupcy without representation due to the Attorney presenting a Bogus Re-Affirmatioin agreement which has a Bank of America AVP listed as Wendy A. Belanger whom is deceased. Forged signature by the Foreclosing attorneys- Notarizer. My attorney had the opportunity from the start of this mess to view the Deeds to both homes. They have foreclosed on one alrealdy and trying to foreclose on my residence due to a Sew Bill that I never received. They are stating the bill is over $8,000.00. The problem is they really do not have authority to foreclose on the home. The assignement is also forged as Dominique Johnson as a MERS Vice president , stamped Notarizer on a totally seperate paper , Corelogic is showing as the Servicer however, the documents Fed-exed are coming from ReContrust. After looking into the the management of Corelogic, Judith Belanger name comes up.
When I researched the Presiding Bankrucy manager that is over the St.Louis - Midwest Region , this person has a profile on the internet which shows a Paul Belanger
Its all a racket. I also understand the certificates behind the laon is currently in the same Bankrucy Courts. I am strangely enough dissappointed in the legal system we have.
They are clearly trying to steal property and there is nothing that can be done about this. any fead back would be greatly aprpeciated. I am trying to start a new Advocacy Program to inform the people of what is going on. I need some assistant to do this in St.Louis, MO. I am reaching out to you fro assistant in dealing with this mess and to help others.
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