Friday, September 21, 2012

Voter Empowerment Act

Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) introduced the Voter Empowerment Act Friday, a measure designed to protect voting rights as dozens of states have recently passed laws adding restrictions to voting.

The measure seeks to both expand voter registration, a goal of voting-rights activists, and ensure "integrity," which authors of state laws cite as the reason to pass such restrictive voter ID laws.

Gillibrand joins Rep. John Lewis (D-Ga.), who has already introduced the Voter Empowerment Act in the House.

"It should be easy to vote, as simple as getting a glass of water, in a society that believes in the immutable right of every human being to determine his or her own future," Lewis said in a statement. "We must eliminate every barrier and impediment to the electoral process to make voting fair, accessible, and an accurate representation of the will of the people. The vote is the most powerful non-violent tool we have in a democratic society to build."

The legislation has been referred to several committees in the GOP-controlled House and has 140 co-sponsors.

Here are the full details of the legislation, from Gillibrand's office:

  • Modernizing the voter registration system
  • Authorizing an online registration option
  • Authorizing same-day registration and permitting voters to update their registration data onsite
  • Providing additional tools to alleviate any additional burdens for people with disabilities
  • Requiring all universities that receive federal funds to offer and encourage voter registration to their students
  • Simplifying registration and ensuring that ballots from all military personnel serving overseas are counted
  • Authorizing funds for training poll workers and setting standards for polling place practices
  • Requiring provisional ballots be available and counted at all polling places
  • Prohibiting voter caging and designating it as a felony
  • Protecting against deceptive practices and intimidation
  • Establishing a national voter hotline to ensure timely reporting and corrective action of voting related issues
  • Setting standards for voting machines to ensure accurate tabulation and confirmation of voter intent paper copy verification
  • Reauthorizing the Election Assistance Commission to ensure that the highest standards are being met nationwide to guarantee fair elections

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!

Michael H. Drucker
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