Sunday, July 29, 2012

NY Senate Unfinished Business

Since taking office, Governor Cuomo has talked about Campaign finance Reform. but again, the legislature failed to act on any campaign finance legislation in 2012.

In May, many Democratic Minority State Senators joined reform advocates calling for the passage of S.3584-B, Comprehensive Campaign Finance Reform. This legislation would lower New York's sky-high maximum contribution limits and require donations by lobbyists to be identified. It would also significantly strengthen penalties for violating campaign finance laws.

The legislation could reduce the influence of special interest money on the legislative process by establishing a system of public matching funds that would enhance the influence of lawmakers' constituents rather than lobbyists and trade groups.

The failure to act on this legislation leaves us with yet another election season where the voice of the voter can be drowned out by special interest money.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!

Michael H. Drucker
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