Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Politics for the People on C-SPAN

Independents Alert!

C-SPAN has indicated they plan to broadcast coverage of last Friday's Politics for the People, Thursday, May 4th, at 10:30 pm.

Please check your local listings, set your DVR and most importantly invite friends, family and colleagues to watch a cutting edge dialogue featuring host Cathy Stewart, former Congressman Mickey Edwards, president Jackie Salit and the Politics for the People live audience, on the role of independents in U.S. politics.

I was in the audience at this month class that Cathy does in New York City. They are held rotating through the five boroughs.

We talked about the negative role of the political parties in US, the cultural component of change, the competing powers of our government and the role of the President, the massive political disalignment of the American people from the political parties and more in this wide ranging conversation.

Jackie and Mickey have books coming out in August.

Jackie's is called Independents Rising, Outsider Movements, Third Parties, and the Struggle for a Post-Partisan America.

Mickey's is called The Parties Versus The People, How to turn Republicans and Democrats Into Americans.

Use the above link to watch the event on C-SPAN's Video Library.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!

Michael H. Drucker
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