Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Americans Elect 2012 Update

Americans Elect has canceled its First Caucus Ballot, because not enough actual people wanted their candidates.

Under their rules, after three online caucus votes, they wanted six candidates to advance to their primary. But under their rules, a candidate needs 1,000 supporters in 10 states or 10,000 delegates signing their petition.

As of today the top candidates are:

Ron Paul - 8,644
Buddy Roemer - 4,304
Jon Huntsman - 3,409
Rocky Anderson - 2,594

There are two more nominating ballots left for which an Americans Elect presidential candidate might qualify. Besides Ron Paul, no Americans Elect candidate is on track to meet those deadlines.

Has Americans Elect failed? Is it because nobody knew about it or because nobody wanted it?

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!

Michael H. Drucker
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