Monday, April 2, 2012

One Way Forward

I am reading an e-book called, One Way Forward, The Outsider's Guide to Fixing the Republic, by Lawrence Lessig.

From the Prologue:

I offer these ideas, not as a politician but a citizen, and a committed outsider, who wants a citizen politics to have an important and lasting effect on the Republic.

Money in Politics

In this section he wants to change the source of political funding to be the "People".

1. Public elections must be publicly funded - a system that incentives candidates to raise campaign funds from all of us, in small donations that effectively spreads the influence to all of us. At $50 per voter, this could generate $7 billion each year.

2. Contributions to political campaigns must be encouraged, but optional - This should not be mandated but up to each citizen.

3. Political expenditures separate from a campaign (so called "independent expenditures"), whether by individuals or corporations, should not be banned, but they should be limited - a system where the first x amount of tax revenue paid by each citizen, receives a "democracy voucher". Voters could allocate that voucher, or any part of it, to any candidate who agrees to be funded this way. Unused vouchers could be sent to a party selected by the voucher holder.

When I finish the book I will blog more.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!

Michael H. Drucker
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Anonymous said...

Was this book written before or after his 2011 book called "Republic, Lost"?

mhdrucker said...

It was written in 2012. This is a link: