In the fight for how New York will perform the redistricting process, this is one of the fighters:
ReShapeNY brings together a diverse group of stakeholders, including citizen groups, business leaders, and advocacy organizations working in a wide range of issue areas, to bring about reform in the gridlocked state capitol by engaging, educating, and mobilizing the public to demand change.
ReShapeNY seeks to end partisan gerrymandering and create a new fair and independent redistricting process to draw state legislative and congressional district lines in time for the 2012 elections.
The Goal
To pass state legislation that (1) ends the political manipulation for partisan advantage in the drawing of district lines and (2) establishes an independent commission that would propose to the state legislature how the district maps are drawn for the 2012 elections. The politically balanced and impartial commission would use fair and sensible criteria and be guided by clear guidelines in drawing the maps to ensure the process serves all New Yorkers and their communities rather than preserves the Albany status quo.
The public is clamoring for reform to end the gridlock that too often grips our state government. Having an independent redistricting commission draw state and congressional district lines will remove the inherent conflict of self-interest that exists when legislators do it themselves. The current process essentially allows legislators to choose their voters before the voters choose them.
Use the above link to find out more about this organization.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!
Michael H. Drucker
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