1. The top two IT executives retired and two others were let go. But there is a hiring freeze. This is not how you run an agency. They will ask for a waiver from the freeze.
2. The agency will have to move March, 2012 to a new building to reduce their costs during the preparation for the Presidential Primary.
3. The vote audit process is so bad that a $250,000 grant was obtained to test a new automated vote audit system from a company in Boston.
4. A new expedited poll closing process is used in most counties except New York City. This explains why it takes over a month to validate and report vote results.
5. The new programming of the optical scanning systems to correct the court's new overvote process might not be done in time due to all the existing changes that require independent testing and then training of the poll workers.
After watching this year, you start to understand how hard it is to run the voting process in New York and the rest of the country. You would hope that best procedures were used and not shortcuts.
You also realize that it is time the running of our government needs more independents to be part of the process and not be partisan and closed to only the two major parties.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!
Michael H. Drucker
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