Tuesday, September 20, 2011

TX Voting Maps Violates Voting Rights Act

Due mainly to growth of Texas' Hispanic population, the state's delegation in the U.S. House will increase by 4 to 36 Representatives in 2012. The redistricting maps signed by Governor Rick Perry signed in June provided no additional Hispanic or "Opportunity" districts, generally defined as a majority of voting-age Hispanics.

The Justice Department told a Washington Federal court Monday that Texas' new redistricting maps violates the Voting Rights Act, Section 5. Texas asked a three-judge court to approve the maps instead of asking for pre-clearance.

Separately, civil-rights groups, the Hispanic and Black Caucuses of the Texas state House and the Texas Democratic Party have challenged the new maps in Federal District court in San Antonio and is waiting for a final decision.

The Justice Department indicated if Texas returned seven U.S. House seats that were Hispanic "Opportunity" districts then only the 4 new seats would be under review. Because nearly two-thirds of the Texas' growth has been Hispanic then some of the new seats should have been Hispanic "Opportunity" seats.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!

Michael H. Drucker
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