Independents from over 38 states will gather for a day long event featuring an in-depth look at how independents can increase visibility and influence in the political process. Use the above link for more information.
The program highlights are:
New Documentary
Watch the premier of the latest political documentary by Jackie Salit, the President and Founder of This multimedia presentation covers the impact of the independent movement on the Obama White House, on Congress, on the political parties and on a cross section of political forces. This cutting edge documentary is a great introduction to independent politics. It explains the relevance of the independent movement to urgent social, economic and cultural problems in America.
Hear a "Talk/Talk" conversation with Jackie Salit and Dr. Fred Newman, the Stanford-trained philosopher, playwright, author and pioneer of independent politics. Talk/Talk is a Newman/Salit specialty - think Charlie Rose, Oprah and Aristotle all rolled up into one!
Panel Discussion
Moderated by Jackie Salit and General Counsel, Harry Kresky
The panel includes:
Theresa Amato, Ralph Nader's Presidential Campaign Manager in 2004
John Avlon, Senior Political Consultant, Founder, No Labels
Lenora Fulani, Co-founder,
Michael Hardy, General Counsel, National Action Network
Douglas Schoen, pollster and author
Abel Maldonado, former Lt. Governor of California
James Mangia, Executive Director, St. John's Well Child & Family Center; Founding Secretary, National Reform Party
Cathy Stewart, Chair, New York County Independence Party
Bradley Tusk, Founder, Tusk Strategies; Campaign manager Bloomberg 2009
Mock Trial
Are you a fan of Law and Order, The Good Wife, or even Judge Judy? If so, you don't want to miss this. We will be staging a mock trial to explore a fictional (but not improbable) "people vs. the parties" controversy. A cast of prominent civil rights and election lawyers, actors, elected officials, and a famous "surprise witness" will stage a courtroom trial and in the process shed light on the growing conflict between parties' rights and voters' rights.
Dispatches from the Movement
Get the inside scoop from leaders on what's happening on the ground, behind the scenes, in the hallways of power and on the street corners, as independents intensify their efforts to enact structural political reforms like open primaries across the country. This is independent politics straight from the source.
Discussion and Dialogue
Conference attendees will have the opportunity to discuss the days' proceedings in an open mic session, not to mention the chance to meet and mingle throughout the day.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!
Michael H. Drucker
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