Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Put the Political Labels Aside

You might be interested in this site if you are tired of political parties.

The Opportunity of Shared Purpose

No Labels does not believe we need to search for better values or principles. The solution is even simpler: we must return to the essence of our beliefs. Most Americans in the vital center of our still great country believe that:

Americans are entitled to a government and a political system that works – driven by shared purpose and common sense.

Americans deserve a government that makes the necessary choices to rein in runaway deficits, secure Social Security and Medicare, and put our country on a viable, sound path going forward.Americans support a government that works to spur employment and economic opportunity by encouraging free and open markets, tempered by sensible regulation.

Americans want a government that empowers people with the tools for success – from a world-class education to affordable healthcare – provided that it does so in a fiscally prudent way.

America should be free from discrimination and should embrace the principle of equal opportunity.

America must be strong and safe, ready and able to protect itself in a world of multiple dangers and uncertainties.

The No Labels movement was born out of support for these shared goals, and we are committed to helping our nation remain true to these values that we all profess in an environment, which encourages fact-based discussions.

We are not labels – we are people.
We must put our labels aside,
And put the issues and what’s best for the nation first.
A promising future awaits us.

Just as citizen movements have played an important role in America since its inception, it is time for another movement, one based on No Labels and the merit of ideas. Thanks to the technological innovation available today, we can break down the old hierarchies of power and influence. True Democracy is possible today because we can tether together online, share our concerns and ideas, and exert enormous influence. Today, we join together and connect with one another, and we can make all our voices heard as our Founding Fathers intended.

Use the above link to find out more about the issues and how you can get involved.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!

Michael H. Drucker
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