Tuesday, August 10, 2010

September UN MDG Summit

This September, leaders from around the world will gather in New York City for a UN Summit on the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

The MDGs are more than just a mouthful. They're eight poverty-fighting goals-agreed to by more than 180 nations-that if achieved by their 2015 deadline, would save lives and provide economic opportunity for millions in the world's poorest countries. They would help mothers deliver healthy babies, allow all boys and girls to go to school and ensure that women don't have to walk hours to fetch water for their families.

But the future of these lifesaving goals hangs in the balance as world leaders meet this September to discuss progress made, lessons learned and critical next steps. That's why we must make sure that the summit produces a plan with clear actions for all governments-rich and poor-that will produce real results over the next five years. The plan must fight corruption, create new jobs, empower women and increase smart investments to beat poverty and disease.

Let's show the world that we support these goals and the hope, health, security and opportunity they offer to the world's poorest people.

Use the above link to find out more.

Michael H. Drucker
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