Tuesday, August 24, 2010

CRC Fails its Mission

The CRC made its final votes on what will be on the November 2010 ballot last night. I was unable to attend but watched it streamed on the internet. After not hearing the voters in the open public session, they became one of the worse commissions by doing everything they were asked not to do.

First, they again failed in three votes to listen to the voters and grandfathered the current City Council to Three terms even if the voters return to Two. Then they bundled the Term Limits questions so if I want to keep three terms but want to not allow future councils to make term limit changes for themselves, I can't.

Then using the excuse that there is no room on the new ballot format, they bundled all the other questions, again forcing the voter to a yes or no for all the remaining changes, not allowing the voter to decide on each question.

There is another solution. The voter can use their vote in November to make the two twrm limit stick.

I am so disappointed that if you want to watch last nights meeting, find it yourself.

NYC Wins When Everyone Can Vote!

Michael H. Drucker
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