Wednesday, July 7, 2010

NYC BoE Says It Cannot Afford To Pay For Primary And General Elections

Budget battle set against backdrop of executive director stalemate

New Yorkers, be prepared to choose between the primary and general election because the city cannot afford to put on both.

As the stalemate over picking a new executive director continues, there is not enough money to cover costs for holding New York City’s November general election after paying for primary operations in September, according to the current reading of the city budget by the Board of Elections.

This will be the first year we use optical scanners for our elections. So on top of all the normal cost there will need to be extra money for training all the poll workers on the new equipment and producing the new ballot forms for the scanners.

Use the above link to read the entire article by Edward-Isaac Dovere of City Hall News.

Michael H. Drucker
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