Saturday, April 3, 2010

New York Plays

The East Side Institute is in the running for a $50,000 grant from the Pepsi Refresh Project - a web-based grant competition - in support of "New York Plays," a series of "community PLAYgrounds" for New Yorkers of all ages.

“New York Plays” is a series of three “community PLAYgrounds” where adults and young people will rediscover the value of play in helping New Yorkers to more creatively navigate these very troubling times. Play is a powerful stimulus for creativity and innovation, and helps diverse groups of people and communities to create new conversations and new confidence in themselves as agents of change. Activities will include improvisational theatre exercises, circus activities and conversational games led by experienced artists, educators and community organizers.

• To conduct at least 3 community PLAYgrounds throughout NYC
• To introduce the power of play to 300+ New Yorkers
• To train NYers interested in being community "play workers"
• To create a model program replicable in cities throughout the U.S.

In order to win, the Institute needs to be one of the top ten vote-getters (we're currently in 230th place!) by April 30th, so we're asking our friends and supporters to:

1. Use the above link and VOTE!
2. Vote every day until April 30th (which is allowed)
3. Spread the word through email, Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, listservs, blogs, etc. A Facebook and Twitter link are available on the contest site.

It only takes a minute, but your vote really will make a big difference to the Institute and to communities throughout New York.

We appreciate your support.

Michael H. Drucker
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