Democrats, Republicans Attempt to Limit Voter Choice in New York State
After filing the necessary petitions required for ballot access in New York state, several independent and third party candidates find themselves squaring off with Democrats and Republicans long before election day, thanks to the archaic and cumbersome regulations governing nominating petitions. New York state law has stringent requirements for nominating petitions. In the past, candidates have been kicked off the ballot for little more than clerical errors.
In Rochester, Green Party candidate for Mayor Alex White was thrown off the ballot after having his signature petitions challenged. Now the incumbent mayor is running unopposed.
In Suffolk County, the petition of the Libertarian Party slate for Sheriff, District Attorney and County Treasurer were challenged. The individual challenge came from Rosemary Marchlowska, a Democratic Party State Committee member. Democrats and Republicans have cross-endorsed the same candidates for these three county offices in Suffolk County. A ruling in favor of the challenges this past Thursday means that the voters will have no choice on the ballot in these races. The Board of Elections in Suffolk County refuses to even show documentation of their ruling to the Libertarian candidates without first obtaining a Freedom of Information Act request.
The Democrats and Republicans have made it clear that they fear voters having a choice. Once again, the Two-Party duopoly maintains their stranglehold on our electoral process, from the swamp of Washington DC, all the way to upstate New York.
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Michael H. Drucker
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