Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Bloomberg Rival Challenges Term Limits Law

New York City Comptroller Bill Thompson, who is running for mayor, and other city leaders are calling on the Justice Department to strike down last fall's law allowing city officials to run for a third term.

They say the law discriminates against minorities, because challenging an incumbent is much harder than running for an open seat, and as a result, violates the Voting Rights Act.

"When the Voting Rights Act in 1965 was enacted it was a turning point in American history. It opened the doors to democracy so that all people could play a part. When Mayor Bloomberg signed the term limits extension, once again we saw the rules change with the stroke of a pen," said Thompson.

The city's law department argues the extension from two terms to three will not impact voter opportunities. The Justice Department must sign off on the new law.

A decision is expected March 17.

Michael H. Drucker
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