Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Open Primaries Petition

During the presidential primary season, independents played a crucial role in bolstering the change-oriented movement that led to Obama's nomination. By virtue of being able to vote in the primaries and caucuses in 33 states, independents cast the votes that gave his campaign its margin, and continued to support him in the general election.

This petition asked Obama to support Open Primaries.

• In states with partisan registration, unaffiliated voters are now 24.8% of the electorate, up 36% since 1992;

• Nationally, nearly 40% of all voters self-identify as independents, regardless of whether they are registered into a party;

• In Presidential elections, independents can participate in primaries and caucuses in only 33 states. In 17 states, they are denied access;

• In numerous states, independents can vote in the presidential primaries, but not in other statewide primaries. Only 21 states ensure the inclusion of independents in Congressional primary elections;

• As independents gain in numbers and influence, there has been an intensified effort by major party leaders in states that have open primaries — e.g., Idaho, Mississippi, Virginia and Washington — to close the primaries to independents.

If you agree, please use the above link to Sign the Petition.

Michael H. Drucker
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