Tuesday, February 10, 2009

NY Mayoral Race Update

Thanks to Ballet Access News for this:

A New York Daily News story of February 9 says Mayor Mike Bloomberg still has bleak prospects for winning the nomination of any of the state’s ballot-qualified parties. The story quotes the Mayor as saying at this point he has no idea how he will run for re-election. If he petitions as an independent candidate, he will be at the bottom of a confusingly laid-out ballot. It is always possible he could file a lawsuit, and potentially win that lawsuit, that the Constitution requires a random order of candidates on the ballot. Such lawsuits have won in the 7th circuit, the 8th circuit, and in U.S. District Courts in New Mexico and Oklahoma, as well as in the New Hampshire Supreme Court.

Since New York State has not finalized its new voting machines, the ballot format is still up-in-the-air.

Stories state he needs three of the five County Chairs to get acceptance to appear on a party line. As a member of the Executive Committee of the Independence Party Manhattan County, the entire Executive members of all five boroughs will decide who will appear on our line and if we will require a primary.

Michael H. Drucker
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