Friday, January 2, 2009

Join the Independent Movement

Why Did We Start IndependentMovement.Org?
We believe America is in a two-party, special interest driven political bind. In recent polls, nearly 80% responded, "Government mostly does what is best for the parties and the special interests, not what’s best for America." In another recent poll, 84% of Americans said "the country is headed in the wrong direction."

We feel that our current political process – and partisan political culture – has failed. And it’s up to ordinary Americans to change it.

What Is The Mission of IndependentMovement.Org?

We're looking to do something new – build a movement to revitalize American democracy.

We're not looking to form a third party – we're convinced that independents want to be free of partisan divisions.

We believe that the American people are beginning to create a new model for political participation. Ordinary Americans want to come together and participate in the political process.

How Will IndependentMovement.Org Change Politics?

We're building a movement of voters to take on the partisan and special interest politics in America. We want this movement to be more than just "angry outsiders". We want to use our political leverage wherever possible to make a real difference in the country.

That's why we’re working both inside and outside the political parties (who still dominate American politics) with a view towards opening up the political process to all Americans.

As part of that "leverage", we are looking to back issues, initiatives, and candidates (of any party) aimed at changing the culture of politics.

These may vary from important political reform issues (redistricting reform, open primaries, new approaches to campaign finance) to supporting calls for real non-partisan dialogue on important issues facing our country (War in Iraq, economy, health care, etc). We are also supporting candidates who want to help advance this cause.

No matter who wins this election, IndependentMovement.Org is dedicated to continuing the extraordinary explosion of Americans coming in to change the culture of politics.

Join Us!

If you're one of the 42% and growing plurality of Americans who identify as an independent, join us! We ask for your help and participation to answer these questions: What can we do to change America? What can we do to find solutions to our nation's problems that help us move forward as a nation? And, perhaps most importantly, how can we continue to activate the citizenry in the coming of the second American democratic revolution.

Use the above link for more information about the Independent Movement.

Michael H. Drucker
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