Tuesday, June 17, 2008

What’s Next For New York Voters?

DREs may be gone, but there’s much to do!

Fighting off DREs and making it possible for New Yorkers to vote on paper ballots was an essential first step. We needed to win the fight for paper ballots in order to have software independence and a means to audit the results reported by the scanners. The battle for paper ballots turned out to be a longer struggle than anyone anticipated – five long years. We fought hard and never let up, and we won. But sweet as this victory was my friends, it was only Phase One.

In one way, Phase One was easy because we were focused, indeed we needed to focus, on one issue and one issue only – paper ballots for New York. Now, in our new HAVA mandated environment, we no longer have that luxury since there are several important areas that require attention as we continue our work for election integrity.

Use the above link to get the full story of the next steps for NY Voters.

Michael H. Drucker
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