Friday, March 28, 2008

Race Matters

I am re-reading Cornel West's 1994 "Race Matters". Is the end of the introduction just as relevant to today?

"We need leaders -- neither saints nor sparkling television personalities -- who can situate themselves within a larger historical narrative of this country and our world, who can grasp the complex dynamics of our peoplehood and image a future grounded in the best of our past, yet who are attuned to the frightening obstacles that now perplex us. This new leadership must be grounded in grassroots organizing that highlights democratic accountability. Whoever our leaders will be, their challenge will be to help Americans determine whether a genuine multiracial democracy can be created and sustained in an era of global economy. Let us hope and prey that the vast intelligence, imagination, humor, and courage of Americans will not fail us. Either we learn a new language of empathy and compassion, or the fire this time will consume us all."

Will Obama fill this description?

Michael H. Drucker
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