Reid is blaming the White House for refusing to withdraw to allow a majority vote on the nomination of Hans von Spakovsky for a seat on the commission. Republicans want von Spakovsky approved as part of a slate of four FEC nominees or they will refuse to consider any of the nominees.
Sens. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) and Russ Feingold (D-Wis.) placed holds on von Spakovsky's nomination, meaning Republicans needed 60 votes to approve his nomination over Democratic objections.
Now, with the Senate moving toward adjournment until mid-January, Reid signalled that Democrats will not move any FEC nominations if they include von Spakovsky, meaning the commission will only have two of its required six members. Reid said he offered the GOP a straight majority vote on all the FEC nominees, including von Spakovsky, but the White House refused to accept that offer.
Mr. Reid has decided that he will have one person gavel the senate in session over the Christmas Holidays or Winter Break. No one will be there except the one person doing the gaveling. Webb from VA has been elected to do it the most because he lives close by. This is done so that Bush can't use the time for recess appointments because the Senate isnt in recess.
A voter comment: "The FEC is in its lingering existence into the '08 elections and not able to have as much oversight as they normally would. The Republicans win the election and the Dems say it was all a massive Bush conspiracy to eliminate the FEC in time to steal another election."
What do you think?
Michael H. Drucker
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