FORMAT Each debate will begin at 9 p.m. and run 90 minutes. A single moderator will question the candidates, who will sit together at a table except for the Nashville debate, which will be "town-hall" style. A third-party candidate would need to have a 15 percent support level in national polls at the time of the debate to be included, according to the commission's rules.
SEPT. 26 University of Mississippi, Oxford, Miss.
OCT. 7 Belmont University, Nashville, Tenn.
OCT. 15 Hofstra University, Hempstead. It will be the first general election presidential debate held in New York State since John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon faced off in a televised debate in Manhattan in 1960.
OCT. 2 Washington University, St. Louis.
Michael H. Drucker
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The items that should be discussed in this country will not be discussed in any Presidential debate. That is because the two major parties serve as conduits for public revenues given directly to the news media for exclusive coverage of their candidates, while the news media plays the part of a judge after the order of a European know-it-all such as Simon Cowell in selecting the candidates the public will be instructed to vote for. While this is going on, the party politicians in all states are busy trying to stop the present tendency of voters to register independent.
In April of 2005 Arizona Governor Janet Napolitano signed into law a Senate bill that had the following effect on independent voter registration in the state.
2000-2002 107,715
2002-2004 165,771
2004-2006 26,483
The legislation removed the option to register independent from the Arizona voter registration form, leaving only a space designated Specify Party Preference. The parties are taking similar measures in many states in an attempt to stop the tendency of voters to register independent. These attacks on independent voters will prove to be the downfall of party politics in the United States.
Although political parties have been sucessful in preventing independent voters from running for public office since they gained dominance in this government by passing election laws at state level that prevent independent voters from becoming candidates, they have never been successful in their attempts to prevent voters from registering independent. Voters in the United States instinctively register independent in times like the present because it is a way to control the excesses of political parties and their politicians. By this means they are able to take the edge off from party contentions, oppose ill-advised wars, and other things they would do if they had a practical means of becoming candidates.
It is becoming increasingly obvious that political parties are not competent at government. What independent voters are doing at the present time is the best course of action, a steady voice in favor of free elections right here in the United States, replacing these party-controlled elections with the voice of the people.
If the parties want to experiment with factional control and military dictatorship, Iraq might be a good place to do that, although the Iraqis do not seem to like that sort of government any better than independent Americans do.
A week in the life of an Independent Candidate for President...Volunteer work for a Church, campaining via the web,
Jailed and's not easy telling the truth.
Reaffirmation of commitment to staying in the race until the end by Jorgensen. Independents fighting for Democracy under the Bsuh controlled media circus. www, DC event planned for Independence Day
Google:rcjorgensen support third party event in Washington DC Independence Day! Freedom of Speech. Equal Justice Under Law! Support enforcement of the General Indictment served 4/29th,2004 to the White House. Join the Committee for Justice. The Justice Party and the write in Candidate. Write on your Ballots in November "In Rob we Trust! Reaffirm our Nation as one of Laws who everyone including Bush is under!
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