Thursday, November 1, 2007


The current talk about drivers licenses for undocumented/illegal means they have cars. How did they get them? Tighten their ability to buy a car and then they won't need licenses.

More than half of white evangelical Republicans would consider voting for a conservative third-party candidate should the 2008 presidential race have Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton against Republican Rudy Giuliani.

Ron Paul could be the Ralph Nader of 2008. Only this time, a third-party candidacy could hurt the Republicans, not the Democrats.

Third-Party and Independent candidates are still being ignored in local and national debates. We have to find a way to give them a VOICE.

We need a way to easily verify spoken words by the candidates, the pols, officials. I have looked at some of the fact-checker sites but it gets more complicated trying to get under their meanings. How are we to make decisions when we do not get the facts so we can decide what it means and how it will affect me.

I just began reading "Spoiling for a Fight" by Micah L. Sifry. It's about Third-Party Politics in America. I will post my thoughts in the future. Since I read many books at the same time it might be awhile.

Michael H. Drucker
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