Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Governor Bloomberg?

I was at AD:TECH, a expo about advertising on the web, in New York City today. While walking the floor and speaking with some of the vendor representitives, a number asked what was happening with Mike Bloomberg. Was going to run for something? I thought not for President but maybe Governor. To my surprise, when I returned home and looked at the online news a came across this article:

A top aide to Mayor Bloomberg has secretly contacted one of the state's best-known Republican strategists about helping Bloomberg run for governor - against Gov. Spitzer or anyone else, The New York Post has learned. Hizzoner, a multibillionaire with a 75 percent job-approval rating, is widely described by Republicans and Democrats alike as the most formidable potential candidate against Spitzer in 2010.

As a member of his first and second team for his Mayor run, I would work the street for his run for Governor.

What do you think?

Michael H. Drucker
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If that's the case, check out: