Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Movement vs. Party

In Jackie Salit’s last conference call she spoke about short and long term goals. Over many of these calls and in small groups that I attended, she hears the request for a third party effort. But that is not what this independent movement is about. It is about helping independents to get their VOICE.

This is part of Jackie’s Committee for an Independent Party Mission Statement:

“The Committee for a Unified Independent Party, Inc. (CUIP) is a national strategy center and organizing hub that designs and executes cutting edge tactics to develop America's growing independent movement.”

And this is part of what they do:

“While the founders of CUIP come out of left and liberal progressive traditions, we believe that the United States has been profoundly hurt by ideological and political labeling. The cutting edge political issues facing the country today have to do with top and bottom, not left and right. They have to do with insider and outsider, not liberal and conservative. That’s why CUIP strategy focuses on building a non-ideological, inclusionary movement for radical structural political reform. Politics is currently run from the top by the insiders, with the majority of the American people kept out. We believe that arrangement has to change, and that independents are the force that can make that happen.”

I wrote this as a letter to the Editor of Jackie’s magazine, The Neo-Independent, in their first issue, Spring 2004:

“The independent movement needs to contain both quantity and quality feet to be heard. First, you need to get local political process issues moving – through adding non-voters and non-participating independents to the cause – to make local changes. Second, you need to get local candidates to include our issues in their platforms and in their bills. Third, you need to put up independent candidates. Last, you then have the feet to place an independent in the White House, and enough in Congress to make things happen without the corruption we have now. Slowly, state by state, the independent political issues get heard.”

So let me know if you are a short or long term independent and want a movement or a third-party.

Michael H. Drucker
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