JOIN CUIP'S INDEPENDENTS DEBATE WATCH '08, the First Democratic Debate of the 2008 Presidential Season
Thursday, April 26, 2007
7:00 pm EST
Sponsored by MSNBC and South Carolina State University
Broadcast live on MSNBC
The first presidential debate of the 2008 season is being held in South Carolina among the Democratic Party candidates. SC is an early and open primary state-which means that independents can choose to vote in the presidential primaries of either major party. Independents can vote in party primaries or caucuses in 30 other states as well. The debate is being broadcast on MSNBC nationally. Let’s see if any of the candidates are speaking to independent Americans.
Independents across the country will be watching the debate and completing a survey. In the 2006 midterms many independents -- we're 42% of the electorate -- swung for the Democrats and gave them control of Congress. We are not tied to either of the major parties and looking for a Presidential candidate who is able to move our country forward with a nonpartisan vision for America.
Please join Debate Watch. Use the above link to print out a copy of the survey. You can also take the survey online at: Survey
Survey results will be tabulated and we will use your responses to give feedback to the candidates and to educate the media on how independents are responding to the Democratic Party field.
Please return your questionnaire by:
Fax: 212-609-2801
Mail: CUIP – Debate Watch
225 Broadway, Suite 2010
New York, NY 10007
For more information call: 800-288-3201/212-609-2800
Michael H. Drucker
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